NETSCOUT Onetouch AT G2(1TG2-3000)端口扫描功能详解
在 Internet上,各主机间通过TCP/TP协议发送和接收数据报,各个数据报根据其目的主机的ip地址来进行互联网络中的路由选择。可见,把数据报顺 利的传送到目的主机是没有问题的。问题出在哪里呢?我们知道大多数操作系统都支持多程序(进程)同时运行,那么目的主机应该把接收到的数据报传送给众多同 时运行的进程中的哪一个呢?显然这个问题有待解决,端口机制便由此被引入进来。
本地操作系统会给那些有需求的进程分配协议端口 (protocal port,即我们常说的端口),每个协议端口由一个正整数标识,如:80,139,445,等等。当目的主机接收到数据报后,将根据报文首部的目的端口 号,把数据发送到相应端口,而与此端口相对应的那个进程将会领取数据并等待下一组数据的到来。说到这里,端口的概念似乎仍然抽象,那么继续跟我来,别走 开。
Network ports are the entry points to a server or workstation that is connected to the Internet. A service that listens on a port is able to receive data from a client, process it and send a response back. Malicious clients can sometimes exploit vulnerabilities in the server code so they gain access to sensitive data or execute malicious code on the machine remotely.
The Port Scan feature scans the target device for many commonly used open ports. Results are reported on the device’s button on?the WIRED ANALYSIS screen. The device’s button must be expanded to view the port scan results.
To use the Port Scan?feature:
- Run AutoTest
- Tap the Wired Analysis icon on the HOME screen
- Tap a device’s button to expand it
- Tap the wired TOOLS button
- Tap the Port Scan button
What ports are scanned?
OneTouch AT G2scans the following ports during the “PortScan” process.? OneTouch AT does not scan all ports in order to prevent tripping an IDS/IPS system.
7 | echo | 554 | rtsp | |
9 | discard | 556 | remotefs | |
11 | systat | 585 | imap | |
13 | daytime | 634 | ginad | |
17 | qotd | 636 | ldaps | |
18 | msp | 666 | doom | |
19 | chargen | 749 | kerberos-adm | |
20 | ftp-data | 762 | quotad | |
21 | ftp | 892 | ||
22 | ssh | 901 | snmpnameres | |
23 | telnet | 902 | vmware-console | |
25 | smtp | ………… | 912 | apex-mesh |
37 | time | 993 | imaps | |
38 | rap | 995 | pop3s | |
39 | rlp | 1025 | microsoft-adl | |
43 | nicname | 1080 | socks | |
49 | tacacs | 1155 | nfa | |
53 | domain | 1366 | netware-csp | |
66 | sql-net | 1417 | timbuktu-srv1 | |
67 | bootps | 1433 | ms-sql-s | |
68 | bootpc | 1434 | ms-sql-m | |
70 | gopher | 1498 | sybase-sqlany | |
79 | finger | 1521 | oracle-db | |
80 | http | 1524 | ingreslock | |
88 | kerberos | 1525 | orasrv | |
107 | rtelnet | 1720 | h323hostcall | |
110 | pop3 | 1723 | pptp | |
111 | sunrpc | 1812 | radius | |
113 | ident | 1813 | radius-acct | |
118 | sqlserv | 2000-2002 | cisco-sccp | |
123 | ntp | 2049 | nfs | |
135 | epmap | 3128 | ndl-aas | |
137 | netbios-ns | 3268 | msft-gc | |
138 | netbios-dgm | 3269 | msft-gc-ssl | |
139 | netbios-ssn | 3306 | mysql | |
143 | imap | 3389 | ms-wbt-server | |
156 | sqlsrv | 4400 | ds-srv | |
161 | snmp | 4488 | awacs-ice | |
162 | snmptrap | 4672 | rfa | |
204 | at-echo | 4899 | radmin-port | |
379 | ldap | 5190 | aol | |
389 | ldap | 5432 | postgresql | |
390 | ldap | 6000-6004 | ms-exchange | |
427 | svrloc | 6005 | x11 | |
443 | https | 8001 | http-alt | |
445 | microsoft-ds | 8080 | http-alt | |
465 | urd | 8443 | pcsync-https | |
512 | exec | 12345 | italk | |
513 | login | 50000 | db2-server-old | |
514 | shell | 60000 | db2-server | |
515 | printer | 62078 | iphone-sync | |
519 | utime |
本文关键字: 1TG2-3000, Fluke, NETSCOUT
原创标题:NETSCOUT Onetouch AT G2(1TG2-3000)端口扫描功能详解